Decorator Pattern


Extending an object's functionality can be done statically (at compile time) by using inheritance however it might be necessary to extend an object's functionality dynamically (at runtime) as an object is used.

Consider the typical example of a graphical window. To extend the functionality of the graphical window for example by adding a frame to the window, would require extending the window class to create a FramedWindow class. To create a framed window it is necessary to create an object of the FramedWindow class. However it would be impossible to start with a plain window and to extend its functionality at runtime to become a framed window.



The figure below shows a UML class diagram for the Decorator Pattern:
The participants classes in the decorator pattern are:


The decorator pattern applies when there is a need to dynamically add as well as remove responsibilities to a class, and when subclassing would be impossible due to the large number of subclasses that could result.

Applicability & Examples

Example - Extending capabilities of a Graphical Window at runtime

SourceClick here to see java source code

In Graphical User Interface toolkits windows behaviors can be added dynamically by using the decorator design pattern.

Specific problems and implementation

Graphical User Interface Frameworks

GUI toolkits use decoration pattern to add functionalities dynamically as explained before.

Related Patterns


Known Uses: