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Bridge Pattern - Object Persistence API Example - Java Sourcecode

Java Source Code Example for the Bridge Design Pattern - Object Persistence API

Bridge Pattern Example - UML Class Diagram

We consider the case of a persistence API can have many implementations depending on the presence or absence of a relational database, a file system, as well as on the underlying operating system.

The code below illustrates the Abstraction interface

package bridge;

 * Persistence Interface 
 * Abstraction Interface
public interface Persistence {

	 * @param object
	 * @return returns objectID
	public String persist(Object object);
	 * @param objectId
	 * @return persisted Object
	public Object findById(String objectId);
	 * @param id
	public void deleteById(String id);

The code below illustrates the Abstraction Imp:

package bridge;

 * Abstraction Imp
public class PersistenceImp implements Persistence {

	private PersistenceImplementor implementor = null;
	public PersistenceImp(PersistenceImplementor imp) {
		this.implementor = imp;
	public void deleteById(String id) {


	public Object findById(String objectId) {
		return implementor.getObject(Long.parseLong(objectId));

	public String persist(Object object) {
		return Long.toString(implementor.saveObject(object));



The code below illustrates the Implementor interface

package bridge;

 * Implementor Interface 
public interface PersistenceImplementor {

	public long saveObject(Object object);
	public void deleteObject(long objectId);
	public Object getObject(long objectId);

The code below illustrates file system concrete implementor:

package bridge;

import java.io.File;

 * Concrete Implementor 
public class FileSystemPersistenceImplementor implements PersistenceImplementor{

	public void deleteObject(long objectId) {

		File f = new File("/persistence/"+Long.toString(objectId));

	public Object getObject(long objectId) {
		File f = new File("/persistence/"+Long.toString(objectId));
		return readObjectFromFile(f);

	private Object readObjectFromFile(File f) {

		// open file 
		// and load object 
		//return the object
		return null;

	public long saveObject(Object object) {

		long fileId = System.currentTimeMillis();
		// open file 
		File f = new File("/persistence/"+Long.toString(fileId));
		// write file to Streanm 
		return fileId;

	private void writeObjectToFile(File f, Object object) {

		// serialize object and write it to file


The code below illustrates the database concrete implementor.

package bridge;

public class DabatasePersistenceImplementor implements PersistenceImplementor{

	public DabatasePersistenceImplementor() {
		// load database driver
	public void deleteObject(long objectId) {

		// open database connection
		// remove record

	public Object getObject(long objectId) {

		// open database connection 
		// read records
		// create object from record 
		return null;

	public long saveObject(Object object) {

		// open database connection 
		// create records for fields inside the object

		return 0;


The code below illustrates a persistence API driver, note how the choice of concrete implementor does not affect the client code , note also that extending persistence does not affect the implementor and extending the implementor does not extend the persistence.

package bridge;

public class PersistenceFrameworkDriver {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// this program needs a persistence framework
		// at runtime  an implementor is chosen between file system implementation and
		//database implememtor , depending on existence of databse drivers
		PersistenceImplementor implementor = null;
			implementor = new DabatasePersistenceImplementor();
			implementor = new FileSystemPersistenceImplementor();		
		Persistence persistenceAPI = new PersistenceImp(implementor);
		Object o = persistenceAPI.findById("12343755");
		// do changes to the object 
		// then persist 
		// can also change implementor
		persistenceAPI = new PersistenceImp(new DabatasePersistenceImplementor()); 


	private static boolean databaseDriverExists() {
		return false;
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